Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Special Edition - Extra Credit

CRAFT: I had an image of Charles chugging wine, so I cropped him out with the magnetic lasso. I had to recreate a portion of his jacket with the clone tool, as well as use the distort tool on the hand holding the bread. I found a loaf of french bread and cropped it from it's original image, as the same with the beret, cheese, snail, and frog. I used the transform tool to alter the shape and angles of the various items. I used the eraser to clean up all of the edges and I used the text tool to write "il est stinky..." and the shape tool to make the bubbles. I applied a few filters to the entire image to make it fit together a bit better. I then added the frame by selecting a portion of a fence from another image and rotating and duplicating it. I added shadows to the frog and snail sitting on the frame. I drew the mustaches on Charles and the frog with a soft black brush, then applied a slight blur. And lastly, I created the smoke on the cigarette by drawing a thin gray line, then applying guassian blur. To finish, I adjusted hues/saturations to make the image fit together better.

I simply wanted to piss my French flatmate off, so I thought of every stereotype that I could execute visually.

"Francy Pants"
Because I was unable to shoot all images myself, nor planned this project, I had a difficult time making the final product appear real, without any doubt. I decided that I would make everything look very glossy and bright to create unity, but still a level of believability. The viewer can imagine this happening. I positioned the bread, snail, frog, and background image, etc. in places that I thought balanced the image the best. The word bubble fell where it did because in the original image, there was a person's head there. I brightened the bottle and the drops falling from his mouth to make it noticeable. I put a red beret and bottle to make draw the eye there, then follow down the image. Everything I added to the image was to enforce the stereotype.

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