CONCEPT: The assignment was to merge natural and manufactured textures while maintaining a level of recognizable realism. Upon seeing the leaf stem , I thought it resembled a peace sign. Since it was a natural texture, I decided on Peace is Natural. I created the iconic peace sign out of all of the natural materials I obtained. I did not alter them greatly from their natural color because I wanted the realism. I used masks of natural leaves to create cut outs from the manufactured textures. I created a background that resembled nature, but was obviously not composed of organic material. I then added the rainbow gradient to overlay the background because I associate the idea of peace with a lot of color. I thought it helped convey my theme.
COMPOSITION: I gave the manufactured leaves very natural looking hues because I wanted a level of realism even though the items were not organic. I rotated and resized the leaves to make sure that their key parts, such as the stems, were visible and not hidden under the peace sign. I wanted it to be obvious that the background was made of a leaf shape. The peace sign is centered. The dandy lions are the brightest because they are the first thing i want to be seen. Then the eye follows to the green stem within to formulate the peace sign. However, before that correlation is made, you see the flowers...the natural portion. Then with the addition of the stem, the recognizable symbol of peace is formed. Then the eye trails from the brightest portion of the image to the background, which lies apparent that it is not made from the same materials as the peace sign. The title, "Peace is Natural", also conveys this message.
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