CRAFT: I created two brushes -- hands and a dove. The image of the dove was obtained from a friend and the hands are one I took myself. To create each brush, I created a 2000 x 2000px canvas in grayscale. I used the various selection tools to crop the specific portions of the image I wanted. I then copied it into the new canvas, resided as needed, then created a brush. I then created the canvas for my project. I colored the background a rich crimson. I then created a layer above the background where I selected white and used my hand brush. On another layer, I selected a deep gold and created the dove. I created another layer and found some sparkle brushes. I used a 2 large sparkle brushes to create the shine coming from the hands, and the glow in the corner. I then selected different style sparkle brushes and made their positioning scattered and their size dependent on the pressure of my pen strokes on the tablet. I generated the streaks of sparkles from the hand around the dove. I then went back behind these 3 new layers to complete my background. I found a circular brush and selected a purple. I then created various layers of this brush at different hues to center in on the dove. The purple overlapping the red achieved some very pretty effects. I then did the same thing with black circles around the hand and added a golden glow by using a very soft edged brush.
CONCEPT: The concept was magic. When I think of magic, I think of white gloves, slight of hand, doves coming from nothing, etc. Colors I associate with magic are reds and golds and purples. If I could see magic happening, I would imagine it to be like fairy dust in movies--shiny and luminescent. I decided on the concept of magical hands. The hands have a magic stream coming from them, spreading out to generate a dove. I want the viewer to imagine that the dove is somehow released from the hands, and with the colors and luminescence used, that the transformation was magical.
COMPOSITION: The colors I use in the image remind me of magic. Magicians typically wear white gloves, so I made the hands white and since they are magic hands, all of the "magic dust" stems from them, so the glowing white sparkles emulate from the hand to the dove. The hands are positioned to resemble the shape of the dove flying. The background is red and purple because I feel those colors are befitting of the theme. The hands are the most important part and I want the eye to see the hands, then trace the magic stream to the dove. By using white, I think I achieve this. The dove is a deep gold, which still contrasts from the other colors, while still making it seem enchanted. I used the blacks near the hands to make the white seem brighter and add some balance.